Popular Band Performances
The band specialises in numbers from the swing era, and performs regularly with the London Swing Dance Society.
There is no entry audition or any other restriction to joining - players find their own level, with opportunities to solo for those who want them. Everyone is also encouraged to contribute to the organisation of the group, which attracts people from all walks of life and of all ages.
Membership is by subscription, and, under the professional direction of its co-founder, Bob Bridges, the musicians strive for the highest standards. Training is further encouraged by working with guest musicians and workshop leaders.
We recently received an Adopt-a-Composer Award, and our pairing with composer Philip Venables resulted in a new jazz piece, developed for and with the SLJO, "Skidoobie", premiered in 2007. We are preparing Phil's second piece, to be premiered later this year.
Our excellent performance level enables us to secure fee-paying gigs, and these funds underpin the SLJO’s policy of also playing not-for-profit gigs for charities, fundraising events and community groups.
Venues played include The 100 Club in Soho, the Imperial War Museum, major events in Leicester Square & Oxford Street, The Banqueting House in Whitehall and the Cutty Sark, Greenwich, for the London Marathon.
Most importantly, the SLJO aims to create an environment in which people have fun making music and socialising, and sharing this with audiences locally and further afield, including trips to the Stockholm and Montreux Jazz Festivals in 2006 & 2007.

The Adur Band grew out of the Adur Youth Concert Band in 1991, and in 2001 changed its name to The Adur Concert Band to properly reflect the type of band it had become.
The band has a membership from Shoreham, Hove, Brighton, Worthing, Steyning and as far away as Crawley and Chichester.
We are a community band that welcomes anyone 18 and over who can play a wind instrument or percussion; our members already include beginners to semi-professional musicians.

The Hangleton Band is an active, modern, brass band based in Hangleton, on the outskirts of the city of Brighton and Hove, in Sussex, England. We have both an active Senior and Youth Band and take our membership from a wide cross section of the local community. There are currently around 80 members, some of whom play in both bands, with a group of young learners constantly feeding into the Youth Band, which alone has 50 members.

Silver Sounds perform at festivals, conferences and community events, proving that age is no barrier to creating an inspirational foot stomping experience.
Under the direction of our Mestre Paul Dodd we have played in Blackpool, Perugia in Italy as well as a wide variety of local events